Today we had Abby's 9 month appointment. She weighed in at 17.12 pounds and is 29 inches long! She is 25% weight and 90% height! She is a BAIN for sure. She is just about to crawl. She practiced all weekend long. It was hilarious. During her appointment, she had only one shot. I did get to talk to the dr. about her lack of eating food because of gagging and throwing it up. He said to keep trying, she might outgrow it, but if not, he would refer us to a feeding specialist when she turns one! Only Abby!!! On the way home, she was exhausted from all the excitement and craziness! I can't believe Abigail is 9 months old. Praise God for every month!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 380
11 months ago
My nephew does the same gagging thing. We used to call him baby eruptus(sp). He's two and still has a few problems, but the doctors think it's gurd. I'm sure Abby will grow out of it.
Welllllllll if she doesn't outgrow it - my bff emily is a feeding specialist and will be of great help. I'll get you her email/phone if you need it. I'm bugging her all the time for speech help.
Glad the apt went well. Can't wait to see you again!! Have a great trip.
Wow! It looks like she'll be tall like her Daddy. Glad everything went well! Hope to see you girls soon!
Hey baby girl...can't wait to see you. Deer Valley is right around the corner.....Allie is going to make sure you giggle. You are so BIGG!!!! Love you!
A sleeping child. What a most beautiful sight! Riley's little friend in CHS had the same issue at her year appointment with the eating so you are NOT alone!
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