Saturday, February 4, 2012

Feb pics and morning greeting

February 1

Feb. 2

Feb. 3

Feb. 4

So far so good on my New Year's Goal.  Love it.  I am making a 365 Shutterfly book and I finished the month of January today.  I am so excited!  Still working on the class thing.  Would love to be getting more sleep first!  : )

Every morning at 7:00 we hear Abby jumping out of her bed.  You see, we have a clock in her room and she can't come downstairs until the clock says 7.  She has told us before that "6 is too long" but that is tough. She is fine.  Anyway....Hunter is ALWAYS up and by then sick of playing with us.  So when he hears her feet hit the floor above us he goes crawling as fast as he can to the bottom of the steps.  Abby appears a few seconds later and he just BEAMS and laughs.  It is so precious.  Every.single.morning.  I love it.  She beams too and greets him first before speaking to me!  Wouldn't change it for the world.


Kimberly said...

We have that clock thing but it only works about 50 percent of the time. Hmmm...

Melissa said...

Love H at the bottom of the stairs. Super sweet!