Wednesday, June 1, 2011

4 months

fat rolls - Abby never had those

your favorite toy at the moment

Oh my sweet boy! How are you 4 months old already?? You are precious and such a blessing to our family. Dr. G said you were doing great. You weigh 14 pounds and 11 oz. You are 26 inches long! Looks like you are going to be a big and tall guy just like your daddy. You hold your head up great and are starting to reach for toys. You put everything in your mouth!!

I wish you slept better. You are doing ok at night....for now! You go to sleep about 6:30 or 7 and sleep 8-10 hours before you are hungry again. You eat quickly and sleep until around 6. Naps are not so good. We are working on this (and you hate it)!

We love you so much, Hunter. I think Abby loves you the most! She ADORES you and is such a great helper. She makes you smile more than anybody else. I think you adore her too! I know once you start crawling and grabbing her toys things might change a bit! Will see!!

Love you "Lumpy". Happy FOUR months!!!


Justin Wallraven said...

"...also, mommy recently discovered you have a crooked butt crack." ;)

Mer said...

ok he's 4 months...gotta drop the LUMPY talk. He's going to hate you!!! I CAN'T believe Justin just "outted"him like that. What are you going to do to retaliate????

Katie said...

You call that a roll?! Haha. I know it is compared to Abs!

What did the doc say about "you know what?"

Happy 4 months, Hunter!

Justin Wallraven said...

I'm not outing him. I believe he was given a gift. I sincerely believe that crooked butt crack will help him whenever he's running and needs to make sharp turns. Think about it...if his butt is already leaning that direction, it's gotta help, right? ;)