Well....Abby was so excited this morning to start her day with donuts and getting to carry her new backpack full of new things! She honestly had no clue what was about to happen to her and that was the hardest part for me. She was laughing and thought it was great walking in with Madeline - in to the building where we have gone to play all summer . That's when she started seeing other children being dropped off at rooms and some were crying.
Then the panic set in.
I carried her to her room and then the teacher reached out for her. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" came this scream out of her mouth as she wrapped both arms tightly around my neck. The teacher was trying to pull her off and I was trying to get her claws off of my shirt and hair! As I walked off, I touched my head and a huge chunk of hair fell into my hands! Oh my. It was terrible, I am not going to lie. I just left, got in my car, and went to Target. I kept busy the whole 5 long hours, but we both survived. She didn't eat one thing and didn't sleep, BUT she managed to stay on her nap mat the whole rest time (according to her teacher). I am sure she was just too scared to move! Bless her. This is going to be so good for her (and for me) once we get used to it. I am sure next week with be worse since she will know where we are going, but we will get through this stage too!